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Social Media Support for Spiritual Emergence:
- Listen to Spiritual Emergence with Lisa Wheeler from Beyond the Illusion on Apple Podcasts.
- Listen HERE as I discuss my crisis experience of 2008-2009, with Janis Underwood of Dying with Grandpa, the effects of the crisis, and how it informs my work presently as a transpersonal therapist.
- The Janis Underwood Show — Traumatic Memory and the Paranormal: Life Mysteries and the Ghosts Left Behind The experience of traumatic memory can often include descriptions of symptoms that mimic what mainstream psychology calls schizophrenia or psychosis. People with these experiences often describe the ability to see and interact with ghosts and visually animated images. They experience psychic abilities like pre-cognition, telepathy, “feeling energy”, and hearing voices just to name a few. It can feel as if they are living in two worlds at the same time. What is the best thing to do when someone is in such an extreme state? Listen to today's show featuring Transpersonal Therapist, Lisa Wheeler, to hear the answer.
Literature on Spiritual Emergency
Please click on titles to purchase.
1. Transpersonal Development by Roberto Assagioli.
Assagioli's descriptions and case studies provide an accurate summary of the entire awakening process, including the possible reactions of those who do not understand what is happening to the individual. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is having experiences that fall outside of the cultural norm and are seeking further understanding of what they could mean.
2. Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Jung and Aniela Jaffe.
This is Carl Jung's autobiography. Reading Jung is an excellent way to facilitate self-acceptance regarding the "inner life". In many ways I consider Jung to be my original teacher in coming to understand and work with the various energies that are in communion with us.
3. The Heavy Volume of Aliens by Anna Lipska
This is a helpful manual/guide written by an experiencer. Her tact and humor touch on the areas that many experiences find hard to describe.
Literature on Parenting
- Positive Discipline by Jane Nelson
- How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
- Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain by Daniel Siegel
- Living With Intensity: Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability, and the Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Susan Daniels and Michael Piechowski
- Young People Hearing Voices, by Sandra Escher (Author), Marius Romme (Author), Rachel Waddingham (Contributor)